When Do You Need an Oil Safe Product?


One of the major concerns of any shop, whether professional or hobby, is the dispensing and storage of lubricants. These products perform such a valuable function in machinery maintenance that great care should be used to contain and use them properly. Failure to do so can result in a costly mess and a very bad day at the shop. To help our customers avoid such unpleasantness, we have explained the general situations in which you would benefit from using Oil Safe lubricant containers.

Your Milk Carton Is Getting Old

We jest, of course. No matter how new the milk carton, it is hardly an appropriate place to store any type of machine lubricant. Although you will see people around the world hunched over in the garage working with their milk carton (or pinto bean can) of oil, be advised that they are asking for trouble and you would do well not to follow their example. Why?

You Do Not Want to Drink Engine Lubricant

You are working with volatile fluids that are highly toxic if ingested. Although you may feel certain that you are not going to mistake your motor oil for your coffee, be aware that stranger things have happened when an enthusiastic mechanic was too involved in work to pay attention. Furthermore, other people entering a home work area, particularly children, are at risk as well. Lubricants must be put in the proper containers, and you must label them. Oil Safe items are specifically designed to prominently feature labels, and they also contain fluids securely to minimize the chance of ingestion.

You Do Not Want Beans in Your Oil

Cross-contamination is an obvious risk here. No matter how clean the bean can is, the actual material of which it is comprised may still leach into your fluid and taint it. In addition, volatile fluids will also eat through many containers, spilling out onto the floor or, worse, onto other spilled fluids. The resulting mix might be not only quite messy, but also dangerous. Fortunately, Oil Safe products are specifically made to withstand lubricants.

In summary, you should treat your shop as the scientific laboratory that it is. You are working with chemicals, and you must treat them as such. Oil products need to be in the right type of container, and they must be clearly marked.